
From Broke(n) To Whole/Healing/Oneness...

If for some reason you stumbled upon this website and it caught your attention then I want to congratulate you! It means you know that there is always space for improvement, right? The purpose of this website is to “Archive My Own Inner Library of Thoughts And Emotions” so I can embody and grow into a higher state of consciousness; aka “The Unity Mind”. The stories, insights and visions I share is nothing more then a “mirror” you can remind yourself in. We are all on some kind of journey to “Remember who we are before this “broken” world told us who we had to be.” And we are here to Re-Member the Family or the Vibration of Light & (Self) Love. That's our natural state of being! We only have descended a bit into a lower state of consciousness that caused separation.

We all have our stories, drama's ups and downs. Some were good and some unfortunately caused so much of stress and out of balance situations that we gathered so called “Emotional Imprints”. These are like splinters in our soul that keeps giving his energy out in the Universe. The Universal Laws recognize the vibration and keeps giving what you believe you deserve. Our job is to recognize the patterns these Emotional Imprints cause, clear and heal it so we can move up the Vibrational Scale of Consciousness and do what we came here to do. Live a “Rich” life!

Learning to connect with the Light is a powerful way to step above your stories and dramas for guidance and healing. I must warn you though; Working with the Light ain't some “Light Work.” Going through the emotions you are holding on to for some long is sometimes like facing your own inner demons. 

I can share very long stories of how I grew up in a broken family; the divorce of my parents etc. But I think it's better to chunk it down in little pieces of insights you will come across in my videos. If that interest you and you would like to know how to clear these Emotional Imprints by connecting to the Light then please let me know to which best e-mail address I can send you a free training. In this free training you will learn the history of human consciousness and where we are going, the 2 unspoken universal laws that always activates the Law of Attraction and how to connect with the Light!

Jean-Paul here have a awesome day!

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