Tuesday, 27 December 2016
How To Indentify Destructive Thinking Patrons With This One Single Question
Watch on YouTube here: How To Indentify Destructive Thinking Patrons With This One Single Question
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAnCov2jjf6Et95Ke9joug/videos
Sunday, 23 October 2016
What is The Unity Mind and why should you care
Watch on YouTube here: What is The Unity Mind and why should you care
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAnCov2jjf6Et95Ke9joug/videos
Saturday, 24 September 2016
The 3 Roles We Play In a Disempowered Live Why We Do It And How To Overcome Them
Watch on YouTube here: The 3 Roles We Play In a Disempowered Live Why We Do It And How To Overcome Them
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAnCov2jjf6Et95Ke9joug/videos
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Saturday, 2 July 2016
How To Take Care Of Yourself And Caring For Others By Digging Up This 1 Limited Belief
Watch on YouTube here: How To Take Care Of Yourself And Caring For Others By Digging Up This 1 Limited Belief
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAnCov2jjf6Et95Ke9joug/videos
Saturday, 25 June 2016
Extreme Tiredness
Extreme Tiredness | Where Extreme Tiredness Could Come From and How To Overcome It With These 3 Tips...
So much of our health and well being is directly linked to the nutrition that we eat. If we eat right and take care of ourselves then we stand a greater chance of living longer, healthier lives. This article will show you ways that you can start implementing better nutrition into your diet. Besides the nutritional part that could cause your extreme forms of tiredness I share 2 other solutions that can help you out!
In this video you get a quick understanding of where extreme tiredness could come from and how to solve it...
Could Your Thyroid Gland Cause Your Extreme Tiredness?
Watch below video from Health Expert Drew Canole who is interviewing a doctor about this topic;
Tip nr 1; Be more in nature, go from walking to jogging, from jogging into physical exercise!
I am sure you find a better connection." Being in nature is what I could do all day long. Recently my neighbors asked me why I was passing by everyday 2-3 times a day. I said I am going for my walks in nature. It became so common for me to do that I became a bit addicted to the fresh air. I think it's a pretty healthy addiction, don't you think?
My point is; instead of jumping behind the tv after your diner go for a walk for at least 30 mins. Once this becomes a habit your body wants to step up the pace and actually wants to run! After you did that for a while now it actually want to do more physical exercises. You don't have to run to the gym straight away for 60 min a day but you could actually start with 15 - 20 min short intensive workouts that perhaps even works more effective then pushing your body in the gym for 60 minutes.
I have learned some very effective movements from fitness expert Christine Bullock who made a great program on how to exercise from home. What is unique about this program is that besides the physical exercise trainings it also comes with mindset & mindfulness to reprogram your mind for success and new habits! You can learn more about that by clicking right here or on below image:
Tip nr 1. Pay more attention to your nutrition. Here are some tips...
Limit your consumption of red meat to once a week or less. A great treat, red meat is not as healthy for you as other forms of protein. Try replacing some of your meals with fish, beans, and grains as the main components. Red meat has its place but nutritionally you can do better.
Even artificial sweeteners can raise your blood sugar and insulin levels in much the same way as sugar. Although they may be lower in calories, they are not necessarily any more healthy. Instead change on how much you depend on sweet things. Start by cutting your sugars in half and work you way to not needing them at all.
Choose fruits and veggies for snacks instead of processed foods. Processed snack foods have very few vitamins, minerals and nutritional value, while fruits and veggies have essential nutrients. You can eat until full when eating veggies and fruits and get more nutrition than eating a smaller amount of processed foods.
When considering your nutrition, be sure to watch out for foods that may appear healthy but end up being quite the opposite. There can be a lot of hidden fat and sodium in otherwise healthy looking snacks. Smoothies can end up having a lot of fat calories and sugar depending on the ingredients used. Energy bars can be a hidden source of a large amount of calories. Fat free foods can contain the same amount of calories as regular versions.
What to do when Tiredness occur...
Did you know that you can fight fatigue that is experienced after eating? You can snap out of the tiredness you feel after lunch by drinking a tall glass of water and eating a small high-antioxidant food such as a prune. This will help revitalize your lethargic feeling and help fire up the mind.
Arrange your schedule so you can get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Adequate sleep prevents you from confusing tiredness with hunger. The sleep also gives your body the opportunity to repair itself. Getting enough sleep means you will remain calmer in times of anxiety, which helps you cut down on eating in stressful situations.
Many times, tiredness is not caused by lack of sleep alone but rather poor nutrition as well. You should try increasing the iron in your diet for optimal nutrition and reduced tiredness. You can take supplements or increase your consumption of iron-rich foods, typically meats and fish, to keep your body at its healthiest.
Getting the results that you want from eating right and getting lots of good things in your body, will take some time. The effects of our bad food choices will take some time to correct. But if you follow these tips and start eating better today, it won't be too long before you start to feel and look better.
The last tip; practice meditation, personal development & mindfulness.
This is where The Unity Mind is all about. If you would like to learn more about this then feel free to check out my personal message, join my list and receive daily wisdom and inspirational videos!
Friday, 24 June 2016
Thoughts on Hard Work, is Working Hard Healthy?
Watch on YouTube here: Thoughts on Hard Work, is Working Hard Healthy?
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAnCov2jjf6Et95Ke9joug/videos
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
What Is Life All About...
What Is My Purpose in life, What is life all about?
A huge question many of us have is; what is life all about. Also me I have been on a journey to figure out what I "came here to do." In the next video I share what I have learned so far. So enjoy and I hope you get some new insights...
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Career Personality Test
Where Can You Find One Of The Best Career Personality Tests?
In the next very short video I share where you can find a career personality test that actually focus more on what gives you energy and what drains you. It gives you a better understanding of who you are...
Here is your Personality Test I wanne to introduce...
Don't forget to share your new insights with your friends ;-).
Highly Sensitive Person Careers
Highly Sensitive Person Careers - Are There Any Jobs For The Highly Sensitive Person?
When you discovered that you are a Highly Sensitive Person you might be wondering what career will suit you well. As a HSP-er myself I struggled most with my own career path. The reason for that is "simple", lack of Self Awareness and Authenticity - in other words I wasn't in touch with my inner core of "Feeling" what I want to do, instead I was acting from a place of Survival and Protection. That part is something I also explained in the video "Feeler, Doer or Thinker". In this next video I share what type of career might work best for most High Sensitive People.
What Career works best for Highly Sensitive People...
What is the best career of High Sensitive People?
Well that's not easy but very simple; create your own career!
Is money the main motivation for HSP-er?
It depend the intention behind it. Many sensitive people sense the intention behind many peoples actions and behaviors. Many of these behaviors are egocentric and fear driven. That's what we don't like it and blame or resist money. However what we need to be aware of is that we shouldn't mix human ignorance with a neutral thing like money. Money is just a Exchange Value, a energy. If our intentions are clear and we serve others from the highest intentions of unconditional love then making money becomes actually quite fun. The question remains, can you serve others from the heart, can you allow yourself to receive and can you allow yourself to have fun?Building the career you love starts with Personal Power...
Like I explained in the video building the career you love starts with taking back your own personal power. So many empaths are used to make everybody around them happy that they forget about themselves. Or they don't see themselves worthy of having a place in the world or they look for things they can fight or resist against. Be aware of this part and embrace the journey of Empowerment!
Personal power starts in the lower Chakras; the root and solar plexus. To learn more about chakras you can check out this free test!
Our "Real" Job as High Sensitives...
Is to be a bridge between our holistic view of the world to the physical world. Watch also the Nr 1 Challenge of Empaths, High Sensitives or so called "Lightworkers."
How to be of Service to others as a Intuitive Entrepreneur...
We are all here to be of service to others and as a empath you can use your intuitive gifts and talents in the field of entrepreneurship to sense the challenges of others so you can provide the best solution as possible! See also Inspired Entrepreneurship!
Rationality the new global religion that cause people to conform and limit them to think more holistic?
As empaths we feel that the world we live in isn't in align with human nature and that's why it seems we don't really "fit in". We are not here to conform and fit in, we are here to explore what's more in alignment with our human nature.
Sharpen your Intuitive Gifts & Talents.
We're blessed that we are at the forefront of developing our intuitive senses and I strongly believe that developing our intuition can guide humanity to a higher level of consciousness.
You Don't Find Any Wifi In Nature, But I am Sure You Find a Better Connection...
It doesn't really matter "What" exactly you do it's more "How" & "Why" you do it.. Your WHY? Make people Remember who they truly are, open up our heart of unconditional (self) love, connect with the ocean of infinite energy so this ocean will take care of you!
Creating your own economy as a Social Media Marketer using various income models such as Affiliate Marketing...
Just one of the endless possibilities is focusing on your own creative abilities such as writing, video's or visual art. Build a social media following and recommend products & services you used yourself and that believe will help others as well.
It's not being fully appreciated by mainstream society yet but I truly believe that more and more people will start to see the "Vlogger" as a serious profession. Just an idea ;-).
Any further Career or Personality tests to advance your level of self knowledge?
In the next video I share a bit more of a personality test that helped me a lot along my journey. So in case you want to learn more then keep on exploring ;-).
What Will Make Me Happy? - 3 Things That Make You Happy...
What Will Make Me Happy? - 3 Things That Make You Happy...
Have you ever wondered what it is that makes us happy; is it relationships, career, money, things, travel or something else? In the next video I share 3 things that make you happy. When you commit on a daily basis to those 3 things you will start to notice a increase in your overall happiness. Have fun!
What Will Make Me Happy? - 3 Things That Make You Happy...
Watch on YouTube here: What Will Make Me Happy? - 3 Things That Make You Happy...
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAnCov2jjf6Et95Ke9joug/videos
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So What Is It That Will Make You Happy?
In the video I spoke about 3 things that make you happy. Nr 1 is Growth. Personal, Professional and Financial Growth. The reason I mention also financial growth is because it's a measurement of the amount of problems you solved or people you helped. Nr 2 are experiences. We are told that buying a lot of stuff makes us happy and it does, but only for a very short period of time. We easily adapt and get used to luxury then it becomes common. What we talk about even years later are Experiences.
The third and last is Contribution. Helping others to get what they want will give you everything that you want. This is also very related to point nr 1 where you will grow by helping others.
So the three things that can make you happy are:
- Growth
- Experiences
- Contribution.
Now this might very simple sometimes it's just not that easy to allow ourselves to have a happy life full with joy, bliss, purpose, abundance, love and fulfillment. So what is really stopping us to live that life we are all after?
Hypnotherapist Marisa Peers shares her experiences with working with major celebrities and entrepreneurs overcoming their unconsciousness limited beliefs. You can learn more about her free masterclass right here or by clicking on below image:
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Highly Sensitive Person
Highly Sensitive Person | Are you a Thinker, Doer or Feeler?
In case you joined my list through one of my other video posts about spiritual awakening, personal development and other deep and philosophical topics then you might be a Highly Sensitive Person just like me. In case you are completely new to HSP I like to share some basic insights with you so you can start to better understand and eventually accept your intuitive abilities and your place in the world. It's a bit of a older video where I shared the name "Tubeinspirations." That was the domain name I used before The Unity Mind, but the main topic are still the same.
So who are the Highly Sensitive People, what do they have in common, what are their challenges and advantages?
Learn more about it in the next video and where HSP-ers are really after. Enjoy it!
Thinker, Doer or a Feeler --- what a abstract thing based on separation... and I totally agree with you! Specially when I watch myself back from quite some time ago. Because when I watch this right now I noticed that I grew as a person and see things differently. Like; WE CAN BE, DO & HAVE IT ALL!!!!
The purpose of this video is eventually to become more self aware so we can embrace and accept ourselves more and more. Knowing our values and place in the world will not only make you feel better but it will also be of a greater value for the world around you.
Highly Sensitive People struggle with absorbing so much "stuff" that is coming at them. Not only noises, sounds, smells and so on but also ideas, emotions and energies from other people. That means that a High Sensitive Person can lose touch with his/her own Truth or Authenticity. That can lead eventually to a "Identity Crisis", like "What the Heck I am Suppose To Do Here, What Is My Truth, What Are My Values And What Is My Place In This World"?
Well I think this is a major challenge for many people but a HSP-er can experience this irritation 10 times more intense then non sensitive person. It's therefore essential to become more mind-full and that is exactly the purpose of The Unity Mind!
In Between worlds...
You've probably heard it so many times... stop dreaming, be realistic, get a "normal" job, be "normal", and so on, right? Well the beauty of being high sensitive is that intuitive people are like hardcore daydreamers. Live somewhere between the physical "normal" world and the spiritual world. This is a True Blessing & Gift, my friend!
I didn't want to accept the spiritual part of me and make it practical. I was dividing the spiritual part of me with practical things. This caused that I was wondering and seeking for a "normal" job and/or business that I never really enjoyed doing but sounded like the most practical and logical thing to do. And the things I really enjoyed doing like tuning into Universal Wisdom and share this with the world through online video... well that part was definitely something I enjoyed doing but didn't sounded practical and logical for me. So I created like many creative blocks for myself that took years for me to overcome. Like can you use your intuitive abilities to serve humanity without creating any blocks of receiving back for yourself?
Well that's the challenge and journey we're on where I also shared a bit about under "Inspired Entrepreneurship" - Because to Be Inspired You Gotta Be In-Spirit".
In case you would like to learn more about High Sensitive People and Careers then feel free to check out the next video where I will go more into depth. For now have a lovely day and take care!
Jean-Paul Blommaert
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Why Are So Many People Broke Have Financial Problems And Or Are In Debt? #Mindhacking
Why Are So Many People Broke(n), Have Financial Problems And/Or Are In Debt?
So many people are struggling with money, are in debt or have financial problems. Career and finances has also played a very large role in my life with many ups and downs. Well actually a bit more downs. But of course we are here to learn and to grow and a human being. Many so called financial advisers give people advise on a intellectual part which is of course very important on how to manage and budget your money. However I strongly believe that our behaviors are driven by our emotions. Specially when it comes to money we have created a lot of emotional attachment to this whole idea. I would say the "Work That We Do & The Money We Earn Is Nothing More Then a Reflection Of That What We Believe We Are Worth Doing & Earning".
Want more money (make it and keep it)? Increase your level of Self Worth, Self Love & Deservedness. In the next video I go into depth of the lessons I have learned so far... so "enjoy" and my wish for you is that you develop a higher level of self reflection so you can find those annoying "mind-bugs" and get rid of them!
Watch on YouTube here: Why Are So Many People Broke Have Financial Problems And Or Are In Debt? #Mindhacking
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAnCov2jjf6Et95Ke9joug/videos
Prefer to listen?
Master Your Mind, Master Your Finances...
This is where The Unity Mind is all about. Hacking our own subconsciousness mind to evolve and grow as human beings so we can live the life we desire and deserve. And right now we live in a extraordinary time where we have the tools, technology, knowledge and wisdom to bend or break old patterns that are not serving us anymore.
One of the major mentors who played a huge role (and still) in my personal development is T. Harv Eker. You've probably heard about his inspiring books such as "The Millionaire Mind." If you are not a big fan of reading then I can also recommend to attend one of his free masterclasses where you can learn how to dig up your own "mind-bugs" regarding to your career and finances.
If that interest you then I suggest you go and check out his free masterclass...
This is where The Unity Mind is all about. Hacking our own subconsciousness mind to evolve and grow as human beings so we can live the life we desire and deserve. And right now we live in a extraordinary time where we have the tools, technology, knowledge and wisdom to bend or break old patterns that are not serving us anymore.
Saturday, 11 June 2016
Kundalini Awakening Symptoms
Kundalini Awakening Symptoms is a Kundalini Awakening Dangerous?
you practice kundalini
yoga and you heard about Kundalini Awakening and what it can do for you, or
you just want to work on your own spiritual development but wonder if
there are any symptoms caused by a Kundalini Awakening. Nonetheless in this
post I will share my own experience with you on what it do to me.
Choose if you want to read, listen or watch.
Is a Kundalini Awakening Dangerous?
Well dangerous is a big word, I think
crossing a busy street without looking around is more dangerous, but
it can definately shake some things up in your life. Like what you
might ask, well that all depend on the life area you are currently
most struggling with, that you need to learn some lessons about or
the emotions you are holding in your body that are right now a bit
In 2013 I went through my own Kundalini
Awakening and it definately shaked some things up that eventually
turned my entire life upside down. I will share more about that a bit
later but for now let me briefly explain what a Kundalini Awakening is.
What you need to know about a Kundalini Awakening;
A Kundalini Awakening is like the activation of your life energy. Imagine that we have like 4 bodies. The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When we experienced once a event that was a bit shocking our survival mechanism will try to safe us through a reaction like Fight, Flight or Freeze. This emotional memory gets stored on your emotional body and directly affects your spiritual body; aka your energetic system. This can also be indentified as your Chakra's which are energetic vortexes. Each represent a specific area.
The majority of the population operates
with a half activated root chakra and therefore struggle with
situations related to survival and safety. If you would like to learn
more about the Chakras then you can check out this free test about your chakras.
Like I mentioned in the video I spoke
about a very intense 60 min meditation divided in 4 parts. Each
15 min was a different movement of shaking the physical body. The last 15 min was a very intense breathing exercise where I suddenly start to experience some extraordinary things. I saw that the roof above me was opening up and with my spirit I was like standing above the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Later I later that this had to do with a so called “Out of Body Experience”.
15 min was a different movement of shaking the physical body. The last 15 min was a very intense breathing exercise where I suddenly start to experience some extraordinary things. I saw that the roof above me was opening up and with my spirit I was like standing above the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Later I later that this had to do with a so called “Out of Body Experience”.
From that moment my entire life started
to shift bit by bit. Which I didn't know that most of my life until
that point was “fear or ego-based.” There was a big part in me
that was seeking approval through accomplishments. After this
awakening process I lost my interest in my little internet marketing
business and felt back to a rock bottom. I became emotional burned
out and depressed, lost and very confused. I moved to London to live
with my current girlfriend but my career and finances were a complete
mess for another 2,5 years. Eventually I moved back to my home
country The Netherlands and started all over with a new job to go
back to basics. I realized that I had to build my internal foundation
of Inner Peace and Self Love which I believe is the missing element
for most of us and that's why I started to share my insights and
experience on this video blog.
Is a Kundalini Awakening important despite the symptoms?
Don't let any of these so called
symptoms discourage you because it's all about transformation of you
becoming the greatest version of yourself so you can experience a
life full with abundance, freedom of illusions, living your truth, (self)
love, bliss, joy and true fulfillment. To create that type of life
we sometimes have to let go of things that are not longer serving us
and are holding us back. Like I said in the video, so many of us live
a “suppressed life.” Pushing away our emotions as balloons under
the water. Soon or later it will just pop to the surface bit by bit.
Going through a Kundalini Awakening can speed up things a bit but be
prepared to see some transformation events coming up.
So is it important? I believe this can
absolutely helps us in personal / spiritual growth and that's why I
encourage you to follow your heart when you come across a local event
who organize this with professional guidance & assistance.
The Nr 1 Challenge For Empaths, Highly Sensitive People or so called Lightworkers
Watch on YouTube here: The Nr 1 Challenge For Empaths, Highly Sensitive People or so called Lightworkers
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAnCov2jjf6Et95Ke9joug/videos
Friday, 10 June 2016
Why Do We Resist People Who Live a Life on Purpose?
Have You Ever Noticed Any Resistance To People Who Live a Life On Purpose?
We have all felt that in some way, we come across people who seems to have a better career with more financial and time freedom, better relationships or a better looking body. In some way we are pulled towards their uplifting energy but in some way we “hate” them a bit. Actually we don't hate them, we hate a part of ourselves that is not truly fulfilled and satisfied yet. Anyway in the upcoming video I share what that all means and what you can do about it. It's something you probably already know but it might be just a good reminder.
Watch on YouTube here: Why Do We Resist People Who Live a Life on Purpose?
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAnCov2jjf6Et95Ke9joug/videos
Why we are attracted to people who seems to be in the flow of life?
Well like I said in the video we are
attracted to people who are confident, have a clear vision about what
they want in their life, they accept, appreciate and love themselves.
This is what we all want at a core level. At a surface level we want
of course the meaningful career with ton of financial and time
freedom to enjoy life, amazing relationships and a great looking and
healthy body. But however that surface desire only manifest when we
“Re-Member” that Source that exist in all of us, we just lost a
bit the connection with it.
We are attracted to people who are more
connected then we do and our job is to re-establish that connection
with our own Source of Wisdom for guidance, self healing, empowerment
and self love so we can create the life we truly want for ourselves. Which is The Unity Mind all about!
Why you never should compare your journey with others.
We all have different experiences and different life lessons to learn. Other people might be going okay at one or more areas in their life where others might to learn a couple of lessons about. Your journey is a lesson so you can guide and give support to others once you have mastered the lesson!
Always remember to ask yourself this question; “What was I thinking that created my current situation that I don't like, what is my lesson that I need to learn”?
Jean-Paul Blommaert
Monday, 6 June 2016
Connect to the Light
Here is your FREE Training that reveals how to master the 2 Universal Laws for letting the Law of Attraction work for you, the evolution of human consciousness and how to connect to the light.
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