Saturday, 11 June 2016

Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

Kundalini Awakening Symptoms is a Kundalini Awakening Dangerous? 

Perhaps you practice kundalini yoga and you heard about Kundalini Awakening and what it can do for you, or you just want to work on your own spiritual development but wonder if there are any symptoms caused by a Kundalini Awakening. Nonetheless in this post I will share my own experience with you on what it do to me. Choose if you want to read, listen or watch.

Is a Kundalini Awakening Dangerous?

Well dangerous is a big word, I think crossing a busy street without looking around is more dangerous, but it can definately shake some things up in your life. Like what you might ask, well that all depend on the life area you are currently most struggling with, that you need to learn some lessons about or the emotions you are holding in your body that are right now a bit stuck.

In 2013 I went through my own Kundalini Awakening and it definately shaked some things up that eventually turned my entire life upside down. I will share more about that a bit later but for now let me briefly explain what a Kundalini Awakening is.

What you need to know about a Kundalini Awakening;

A Kundalini Awakening is like the activation of your life energy. Imagine that we have like 4 bodies. The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When we experienced once a event that was a bit shocking our survival mechanism will try to safe us through a reaction like Fight, Flight or Freeze. This emotional memory gets stored on your emotional body and directly affects your spiritual body; aka your energetic system. This can also be indentified as your Chakra's which are energetic vortexes. Each represent a specific area.

The majority of the population operates with a half activated root chakra and therefore struggle with situations related to survival and safety. If you would like to learn more about the Chakras then you can check out this free test about your chakras.

Like I mentioned in the video I spoke about a very intense 60 min meditation divided in 4 parts. Each
15 min was a different movement of shaking the physical body. The last 15 min was a very intense breathing exercise where I suddenly start to experience some extraordinary things. I saw that the roof above me was opening up and with my spirit I was like standing above the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Later I later that this had to do with a so called “Out of Body Experience”.

From that moment my entire life started to shift bit by bit. Which I didn't know that most of my life until that point was “fear or ego-based.” There was a big part in me that was seeking approval through accomplishments. After this awakening process I lost my interest in my little internet marketing business and felt back to a rock bottom. I became emotional burned out and depressed, lost and very confused. I moved to London to live with my current girlfriend but my career and finances were a complete mess for another 2,5 years. Eventually I moved back to my home country The Netherlands and started all over with a new job to go back to basics. I realized that I had to build my internal foundation of Inner Peace and Self Love which I believe is the missing element for most of us and that's why I started to share my insights and experience on this video blog.

Is a Kundalini Awakening important despite the symptoms?

Don't let any of these so called symptoms discourage you because it's all about transformation of you becoming the greatest version of yourself so you can experience a life full with abundance, freedom of illusions, living your truth, (self) love, bliss, joy and true fulfillment. To create that type of life we sometimes have to let go of things that are not longer serving us and are holding us back. Like I said in the video, so many of us live a “suppressed life.” Pushing away our emotions as balloons under the water. Soon or later it will just pop to the surface bit by bit. Going through a Kundalini Awakening can speed up things a bit but be prepared to see some transformation events coming up.

So is it important? I believe this can absolutely helps us in personal / spiritual growth and that's why I encourage you to follow your heart when you come across a local event who organize this with professional guidance & assistance.


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