Tuesday, 21 June 2016

What Will Make Me Happy? - 3 Things That Make You Happy...

What Will Make Me Happy? - 3 Things That Make You Happy...

Have you ever wondered what it is that makes us happy; is it relationships, career, money, things, travel or something else? In the next video I share 3 things that make you happy. When you commit on a daily basis to those 3 things you will start to notice a increase in your overall happiness. Have fun!

What Will Make Me Happy? - 3 Things That Make You Happy...

Watch on YouTube here: What Will Make Me Happy? - 3 Things That Make You Happy...
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So What Is It That Will Make You Happy?

In the video I spoke about 3 things that make you happy. Nr 1 is Growth. Personal, Professional and Financial Growth. The reason I mention also financial growth is because it's a measurement of the amount of problems you solved or people you helped. Nr 2 are experiences. We are told that buying a lot of stuff makes us happy and it does, but only for a very short period of time. We easily adapt and get used to luxury then it becomes common. What we talk about even years later are Experiences. 

The third and last is Contribution. Helping others to get what they want will give you everything that you want. This is also very related to point nr 1 where you will grow by helping others. 

So the three things that can make you happy are:
  1. Growth
  2. Experiences
  3. Contribution.
Now this might very simple sometimes it's just not that easy to allow ourselves to have a happy life full with joy, bliss, purpose, abundance, love and fulfillment. So what is really stopping us to live that life we are all after? 

Hypnotherapist Marisa Peers shares her experiences with working with major celebrities and entrepreneurs overcoming their unconsciousness limited beliefs. You can learn more about her free masterclass right here or by clicking on below image:


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